I took this from an e-mail sent to me but not sure where. I get a lot of organizational newsletters sent to me. I want desperately to be organized and it is an every day struggle but I'm getting there.
I thought it touched on many things I can relate to, personally. I chuckled at a few of them. I'm a perfectionist and organization, although it is a priority of mine, seems to interact and have adverse effects on me being as though I am a self proclaimed procrastinator. So I am always at odds with myself.
Anyhoo, I thought "someone" might enjoy this little list as I did so here is where it landed. I hope someone else, besides me, laughed at a few. And can see yourselves in a few as well. Oh and some of these are like more or less goals of mine that I can one day hopefully accomplish and attain.
Here it is...
How often do you wonder if you are making any progress at all in your organizing journey? Many times, we fail to recognize how much progress we really have made. Whether you have been working at organizing your home for days, weeks, months or even years, you have made progress. At times, it is measured in baby steps and at times, it is measured in leaps and bounds. The most important word in the statement above is `progress'. If you have put forth any effort at all, you have made progress! Here are some easy ways to tell when you are in an organized home.
1. You can direct someone else to something and they find it. How often in the past have you given up searching for something because even a bloodhound could not find it? We have all been there! Before many of us took the first step in this journey, we could never remember where everything was. After we began organizing we found places for everything. Not only can we find it--but we can direct a friend or family member to its location and they can find it on the first try.
2. Preparing for taxes no longer involves a month or longer search for all of the paperwork. No one likes doing taxes, but it is one of the two things that are sure in this life. When you are in an organized home, you have a file set up where each piece of paper that is relevant to taxes has been stored properly. When it is time to prepare taxes, or take the paperwork to a professional person, it is simply a matter of grabbing the correct folder which is filled with everything you need.
3. You know what is at hand for meal planning. How many times in the past have we all stood in front of the open refrigerator trying to figure out what to fix for dinner? In an organized home, you have a meal plan, whether for a week, a month, or more. You are able to put your meal plan together because you have an inventory of your freezer and your pantry contents. No more wondering what is available to fix a meal you want to eat, and no more using the open refrigerator to cool down the kitchen.
4. You do not have to wonder who has to be where, when. Have you ever taken the wrong child to the wrong activity at the wrong time? Whether we have one child, no children, or many children, it can be a challenge to make sure everyone is at the right place at the right time. In an organized home there is a central calendar with every one's activities clearly noted and color-coded. You know at a glance when anyone has to be anywhere. No more confusion.
5. You are able to entertain with minimal preparation. Yes, I said entertain and minimal preparation in the same sentence. It is not only possible, but when you are in an organized home it is an enjoyable experience. You not only know where your serving pieces are and what your menu is, but you are able to relax and enjoy your guests.
6. You no longer suffer from chaos. Does the thought of drop-in guests cause you to break out in a cold sweat? Many of us have suffered from chaos--Can't Have Anyone Over Syndrome. When you are in an organized home, drop in guests can be welcomed in without fear. Yes, you read that right-- without fear. When you are in an organized home, you have everything in its own place and drop in guests no longer induce a `hide and they'll think we're not home' reaction.
7. Clean up takes a few minutes here and a few minutes there. Have you given up trying to clean because it has been too overwhelming? When you are in an organized home, you are able to keep up with the housework and maintaining a clean house is a matter of establishing routines. A routine is easier to start and easier to maintain.
8. Your flat surfaces stay clear. When you are in an organized home, you no longer have to worry about piles toppling over onto the floor--just one more flat surface-- because your organized home has the filing, recycling and all other `piles' in their proper place.
9. You can move freely from room to room in the dark. In an organized home, there is no need to put nightlights in every available outlet just to avoid injuries. Sounds silly, I know. But how many times have you found things with your toe or you shin, or knee? When everything has a place and is in its place, you can move about freely--even in the dark.
10. You have time to enjoy hobbies and other activities that renew, refresh, and reinvigorate you. In our busy lives we sometimes forget to take care of ourselves. In an organized home you have time to take care of yourself.
11. You whole family can get ready and out the door in less than one hour every day. In an organized home, lunches are made, backpacks are packed, permission slips are signed, and clothing is set out the night before. If you don't have pets indoors, the table can be set the night before for breakfast.
12. You no longer have duplicates or triplicates. In an organized home, you know what you have and you don't have to run out at the last minute to buy a tool, or ingredient of any kind simply because you can't find the one you know you have--somewhere! You will not only have what you need, but you will know exactly where it is in your organized home.
13. Putting groceries away doesn't involve an entire afternoon 'finding room'. When you are in an organized home, you have an organized pantry, and it is simply a matter of putting the groceries in their place, freeing up your afternoon for a good book, fun and games with the family or some very important ME time.
14. You no longer have to pay late fees for video rentals or fines for overdue library books. In an organized home you have a basket or a box of some kind that is specifically used for rental returns. This basket keeps your returns near the door so that you can grab them to return on your way out the door, in time to avoid late fees.
15. Getting dressed for work or school is no longer an agonizing decision or an aerobic exercise. In an organized home, the clothing is always in the closet, hung up neatly and arranged either by outfit or with like-things together. When your clothing is hung up in the closet and put away in the dresser you are easily able to select your outfit and accessories either the night before, or when you get up in the morning.
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