In a nutshell * All * That * Glitters * is filled with funny thoughts & facts, mine & other's creative ideas,
helpful tips, product reviews, samples, coupons, give-a-ways.
My thoughts on & about, basically everything that I'm interested and want to share with YOU!

Self Prescibed Laughter and Striving To Live Life To It's Fullest.

AND As Always
My Family ~ My Freedom ~ My Faith

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Monday, March 31, 2008

Earth Hour 2008 & Our NIght At Capalanos!!!

This last Saturday afternoon, March 28th, 2008, I read about Earth Hour. I don't know why I JUST read about it on the very day it was to take place but I wanted to be apart of it. I watch the news and I never heard anything about it.

Joey and I had plans to go see our friends, "Awaiting Irony" play at Capalanos, they were to go on from 8 pm -10 pm, sowe thought we could do both and just arrive late.

I took some snap shots of us during Earth Hour: I gathered my grandmother's old oil lattern she passed down to me and I had it ready for 8pm to hit. Joey was so cool about it, he helped go around and turned of computers and such, we shut it all down with the exception of the refrigerator.

Counting down the minutes!


This gave Joey and me a nice hour to chat and snuggle. In all actuality we only made it for 45 minutes of the entire hour, we really had to get ready to go to the show.

One of my Willow Tree Statues in the flicker of the light:

Joey in the day with only the oil lamp keeping him visible:

BTW, we missed Tony's band,


We got there in time to watch the band bringing down their equiptment. I gave Tony a hug and promised to be a better fan at their next gig. I was able to chat with his girlfriend, Erin, for sometime. What a neat person!!! I like her...good going Tony, she's a keeper!

To our surprise there were several of our buddies at CAPALANOS. Scott Church, Kenny Knight, Cory Ward, and several others I know would definitely call my friends!!! We stayed until 2am and had a fabulous time. CAPS rocks!!!

Here are some INFO on Earth Hour:

SO you may be asking what is Earth Hour?
Earth Hour, run by WWF, the conservation organisation, is a global climate change initiative which calls on individuals and businesses around the world, to turn off their lights for one hour on Saturday March 29 2008 between 8 pm and 9pm.

The aim of the campaign is to express that individual action on a mass scale can help change our planet for the better.

The event itself will clearly demonstrate in participating cities, the connection between energy usage and climate change, showing that we as broader community can address the biggest threat our planet has ever faced.

Earth Hour is a fabulous opportunity for you and your family to do something about climate change. On one night, in one hour, more will be done, more will be demonstrated, and more will be learned than through a hundred 'talk-fests'. Earth Hour is the launch of a 12 month campaign to reduce Sydney's green house gas emissions by 5%.

It started with a question: How can we inspire people to take action on climate change?

The answer: Ask the people of Sydney to turn off their lights for one hour.

On 31 March 2007, 2.2 million people and 2100 Sydney businesses turned off their lights for one hour - Earth Hour. If the greenhouse reduction achieved in the Sydney CBD during Earth Hour was sustained for a year, it would be equivalent to taking 48,616 cars off the road for a year.

With Sydney icons like the Harbour Bridge and Opera House turning their lights off, and unique events such as weddings by candlelight, the world took notice. Inspired by the collective effort of millions of Sydneysiders, many major global cities joined Earth Hour in 2008, turning a symbolic event into a global movement.

What about after the event? What can I do then?
We all can take action everyday to help reduce our greenhouse gas emissions. There are two key objectives for Earth Hour. The first is to engage as many households, communities and business to turn their lights for one hour on March 29.

By creating awareness and securing engagement of the broader community, the second objective is to measure the change in our greenhouse gas emissions over the following 12 months – aiming for a reduction in the year following Earth Hour

What does the Earth Hour logo mean?
The Earth Hour ‘60’ logo represents the 60 minutes of Earth Hour where we focus on the impact we are having on our planet and take positive action to address the issues we face.

How will Earth Hour help?
Earth Hour shows that, together, our small actions can make a difference to global warming. Find out more about global warming by visiting There were two key objectives for Earth Hour in 2007. The first was to engage as many households, communities and businesses to turn their lights out for one hour. It also marked the beginning of a 12-month campaign by WWF-Australia and Fairfax Media to reduce Sydney’s emissions by 5%. This year we hope to inspire other cities and towns to take action and reduce greenhouse gas emissions globally.


Friday, March 28, 2008

One Sentence

God is going to shift things around for you today and let things work in your favor.

Friday, March 21, 2008

The Rules of Chocolate

The Rules of Chocolate.....

If you've got melted chocolate all over your hands, you're eating it too slowly.

Chocolate covered raisins, cherries, orange slices & strawberries all count as fruit, so eat as many as you want.

The problem: How to get 2 pounds of chocolate home from the store in a hot car. The solution: Eat it in the parking lot.

Diet tip: Eat a chocolate bar before each meal. It'll take the edge off your appetite and you'll eat less.

A nice box of chocolates can provide your total daily intake of calories in one place. Isn't that handy?

If you can't eat all your chocolate, it will keep in the freezer. But if you can't eat all your chocolate, what's wrong with you?

If calories are an issue, store your chocolate on top of the fridge. Calories are afraid of heights, and they will jump out of the chocolate to protect themselves.

Money talks. Chocolate sings.

Chocolate has many preservatives. Preservatives make you look younger.

Why is there no such organization as Chocoholics Anonymous? Because no one wants to quit.

Put "eat chocolate" at the top of your list of things to do today. That way, at least you'll get one thing done.

Chocolate is a health food. Chocolate is derived from cacao beans. Bean = vegetable. Sugar is derived either from sugar beets or cane, both vegetables. And, of course, the milk/cream is dairy. So eat more chocolate to meet the dietary requirements for daily vegetable intake.

Saturday, March 15, 2008

I am all about free samples.

Samples and free trial sized items that can be found on the internet are a great way to try new products and such BUT what I love about them the most is that they are great to take when you go somewhere over night, such as an intimitate date with hubby or on vacation, the uses are endless!!! Instead of lugging the entire bottle of shampoo, conditioner, Tylenol, etc. Just toss a few of your samples in your beauty bag and cut down on the space!!!

So from now on I am going to be adding some great links of samples to my blog. I hope you enjoy these added blogs. You might just get bit by the sample (or freebie bug). I have gotten everything from soaps to a leather breifcase for my laptop!!!

The fist one I'm gonna add for today is for Head and Shoulders. They aren't just for dandruff sufferers anymore. The shampoo and conditioners smell lovely and are super silky. Plus they are making them for all types of hair now.

Here is a link to a few samples of Head & Shoulder's: CLICK HERE. it says it will take 56 to 8 weeks but it's never really that long.

Let's get us ready for the vacations we all have coming up this summer. Let's try to pack lighter than we did last year.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Where God Wants Me

This was sent to me from a friend I have known forever and it is so worth watching. After it loads, each time you read and finish the page click "Enter" and it will change the screen to the next text and scene.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did. Click below:

"Where God Wants Me"

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

RAPIST TRICK ~ Pass along!!!

This was the first I have heard of a scheme like this.....

I wanted to pass it along. Be safe! Something very serious to pay attention to. Criminals are coming up with craftier, less threatening methods of attack, so we have to be extra cautious.

Read on...

I live in Alexandria, VA , but I often work in Lafayette, LA , staying with friends when I'm there. As you know from America's Most Wanted TV program, as well as the news media, there is a serial killer in the Lafayette area. I just want to let you know about an "incident" that happened to me a few weeks ago, and could have been deadly.

At first I didn't go to the police or anyone with it because I didn't realize how serious this encounter was. But since I work in a jail and I told a few people about it, it wasn't long before I was paraded into Internal Affairs to tell them my story. It was approximately 5:15 a.m. in Opelousas, La. I had stayed with a friend there and was on my way to work.

I stopped at the Exxon/Blimpie Pie station to get gas. I got $10 gas and a Diet Coke. I took into the store two $5 bills and one $1 bill (just enough to get my stuff). As I pulled away from the store, a man approached my truck from the back side of the store (an unlit area). He was an "approachable-looking" man (clean cut, clean shaven, dressed well, etc.). He walked up to my window and knocked. Since I'm very paranoid and "always looking for the rapist or killer," I didn't open the window.

I just asked what he wanted. He raised a $5 bill to my window and said, "You dropped this." Since I knew I had gone into the store with a certain amount of money, I knew I didn't drop it.

When I told him it wasn't mine, he began hitting the window and door, screaming at me to open my door, and insisting that I had dropped the money! At that point, I just drove away as fast as I could.

After talking to the Internal Affairs Department and describing the man I saw, and the way he escalated from calm and polite to angry and volatile was determined that I could have possibly encountered the serial killer myself.

Up to this point, it had been unclear as to how he had gained access to his victims, since there has been no evidence of forced entry into victim's homes, cars, etc And the fact that he has been attacking in the daytime, when women are less likely to have their guard up, means he is pretty BOLD.

So think about it...what gesture is nicer than returning money to someone that dropped it?????

How many times would you have opened your window (or door) to get your money and say thank you.... because if the person is kind enough to return something to you, then he can't really be a threat....can he????

Please be cautious! This might not have been the serial killer... but anyone that gets that angry over someone not accepting money from them can't have honorable intentions. The most important thing to note is that his reaction was NOT WHAT I EXPECTED! A total surprise! But what might have happened if I had opened my door? I shudder to think!

Forward this to everyone you know...maybe they can be as fortunate as I was!

P.S. Ladies, really DO forward this to EVERYONE you know Even if this man wasn't a serial killer, he looked nice, he seemed polite, he was apparently doing an act of kindness, but HE WAS NOT A NICE PERSON!!!

Men, send it to all the women in your life. Please forward to anyone you think might benefit from this story.

Sunday, March 9, 2008

March Meme (I got tagged)

Michelle has tagged me for a meme!! I haven't done this one before, so it should be fun!!

Here are the meme rules:
1. Write your own six word memoir
2. Post it on your blog and include a visual illustration if you’d like
3. Link to the person that tagged you in your post and to this original post if possible, so we can track it as it travels across the blogosphere.
4. Tag five more blogs with links
5. Remember to leave a comment on the tagged blogs with an invitation to play!

Here is my six word memoir...

"I am a work in progress"

March Meme

Ok. Now I am tagging...

1. Cynthia
2. Toree
3. Tre
4. Michelle (you got to do another)
5. Tabetha

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

When your hut's on fire

The only survivor of a shipwreck was washed up on a small, uninhabited island. He prayed feverishly for God to rescue him. Every day he scanned the horizon for help, but none seemed forthcoming. Exhausted, he eventually managed to build a little hut out of driftwood to protect him from the elements, and to store his few possessions.

One day, after scavenging for food, he arrived home to find his little hut in flames, with smoke rolling up to the sky. He felt the worst had happened, and everything was lost. He was stunned with disbelief, grief, and anger. He cried out, 'God! How could you do this to me?'

Early the next day, he was awakened by the sound of a ship approaching the island! It had come to rescue him! 'How did you know I was here?' asked the weary man of his rescuers. 'We saw your smoke signal,' they replied.

The Moral of This Story: It's easy to get discouraged when things are going bad, but we shouldn't lose heart, because God is at work in our lives, even in the midst of our pain and suffering. Remember that the next time your little hut seems to be burning to the ground. It just may be a smoke signal that summons the Grace of God. P.S. You may want to consider passing this on, because you never know who feels as if their hut is on fire today. God Bless

Gold Wrapping Paper

A little girl used her mother's expensive gold wrapping paper to wrap a present; but money was tight, and the mother was upset that her daughter had wasted the paper. Nevertheless, the girl brought the gift to her mother and said, "This is for you." Though embarrassed by her earlier reaction, the mother became upset again when she saw the box was empty. "Don't you know that when you give someone a present, there's supposed to be something inside?" With tears in her eyes the girl said, "Oh Mama, it's not empty! I blew kisses into it until it was full." Crushed, the mother fell to her knees, wrapped her arms around her daughter and begged for her forgiveness. From that moment on, the mother kept the gold box by her bed to remember the unconditional love of her child.

God has given us an infinite amount of His unconditional love. Just as the gold box was a reminder of a child's love for her mother, the Word of God reminds us that our Savior loved us even unto death. Let us never forget this truth and always strive to love as God loves.

The love you give and receive is a reality that will lead you closer . . . To God as well as to those whom God has given you to love. Henri J. M. Nouwen

Monday, March 3, 2008

Michelle is having a sweet Give-A-Way

Michelle is having a give away of a nice little goodie basket full of Mary Kay products. She hasn't decided exactly what she am going to put in it, but it will be nothing to scoff at!! Her words not To Enter, here is what she wants you to do... Leave me a comment and tell her what makes you feel beautiful. AND Post a link on your blog about her giveaway. That's it!!! You have until next Friday, March 7th!! Here is where you will find her:Michelle's Blog

Sunday, March 2, 2008

WATCH: Hate being asked to send things to X amount of people?

For those of you who are sick of getting e-mails that tell you to forward it to at least X number of people in the next 15 minutes so that wonderful things and miracles will happen if you do, or there will be serious consequences if you don't, then you will enjoy this.

Click here: